Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cravings (part 1) - Vermont /Boston

I'm 90% sure this is not the real Ben Franklin.

I was astounded when I realized that I think cravings have now crossed another dimension. Vermont provided us with a two fold opportunity to cross off 2 of 3 highly coveted cravings. The first which you might have heard was pumpkins and their descendants. This quickly morphed into eating anything fall related.
Pumpkins - Lattes (spiced and other), Pie
Apples - Pie, Cobble, weird B & B casseroles, Cider, donut

However these were to be expected, all but the shocker was the cold. I soon realized that we also were there to cool this pregnant person. While I was freezing in the sub 50 degree weather, Renee was making noises and running outside with no coat.

The video was taken from the Apple Barn (a ridiculously corny roadside stand) selling overpriced apple products to pregnant people. As you can see I was enjoying my time. The highlight came when we stumbled upon a semi-annual high stakes bingo tournament. Needless to say I made many Bingo faux pas but I thought we really needed to show some highlights.

Getting my foot dabbed.
Luck Trolls.
Almost winning 2K on a coverall.

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