Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Spanish Tongue

The noise that was once was used to describe pure torture now has come full circle. We have grown quite fond of it and have deemed it to be the Spanish Tongue. Cleary this ability to roll the Rs does not come from Renee or her Austrian decent (Which sounds like an awkward lion).

This new happy Spanish Tongue can be heard around bed time coupled with some serious excitement. This reminded me of how crazy bed time actually was growing up. It was the pinnacle of day. You brought out your biggest guns, anything to avoid actually going to sleep. I hope she doesn't suffer the same fate as me during nap times in early school days. My nap time in school days were 20 minutes of torture. It was a mix of wondering how the other kids were able to sleep, the crinkle of the cheap plastic mat, and trying to corrupt the closest sleeper to me.

I also remember a tactic of Steve Moss during later years which was to allow me to stay awake but only if I watched Cspan. 100% success rate.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Angry Gargler? What is this noise?

Its rare to capture a noise or event at its peak, but that is precisely what this video is. I've struggled mightily to name this noise. I've explored everything from a slow motion secada to a gargling dog.

I'm making up stupid words and she has had enough with it.

This week we also started to look through nanny applications and beginning to hunt around for our final resting place. By admitting to a real estate broker that you are looking for an apartment to rent is one slight notch above vomiting on their shoes. I'm debating on starting the conversation off by saying, "Hey we're really sorry but we're looking for a rental place here in park slope".

On the nanny application front: There is no lack of entertainment when viewing the applications submitted on Most sound like a first person account of life as a baby. "And I love to play inside and out, go the park, and make arts and crafts." -anonymous. Well I'm sure Fischer would love to join you as well.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Foot Slammin'

Foot Slammin'- these feet are uncontrollable during meals. She has kicked the high chair top off on multiple occasions.

She is now obsessed with climbing up. Doesn't really know what to do when she is up, but loves the pursuit.

Soft serve. Its when the food comes back out and reminds you of the ice cream at MacDonald's. (the 27 second mark). The best soft serves went undocumented in the first trials of food, but none the less this is a small cone.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Good idea. Take photo of baby under a covered bridge in vermont.

Bad Idea. Realize that the rocks are not that soft.

Literally just a baby in a field.

We've finally arrived at our last place. To summarize our travels since May 5th have been:
Hermosa - San Jose Costa Rica
San Jose Costa Rica - Atlanta, GA
Atlanta - Columbus
Columbus - Atlanta
Atlanta - New York
New York (brooklyn) - New York (chelsea)
New York (chelsea) - North Bennington Vermont
Vermont - New York (chelsea)
New York (chelsea) - Brooklyn (Park Slope)

I think all this moving around has made the little one a little scared of being left behind. So just about 2 weeks after crawling, she starts trying to stand up and making this Velociraptor noise.

A great save.

The audio on this one is great and includes a Velociraptor noise.
