Saturday, February 26, 2011

New vocabulary

My apologies as the music in these videos are a side effect of pandora radio. I promise unintentional. Although if you feel the need to cry during the acoustic GnR while she flips through her own scrap book, then I'll permit it.

Hat Action

Scrap Book

Some coloring action

A typical breakfast

Fischer's vocabulary:
That = (daaaadt) While pointing a finger and wanting to know what it is.
Up = (uuuuhhhhhp) To be picked up.
Dad = (Dada) To cause extreem embarrassment to single men.

She'll also say:
Yes, Wow, Bow-wow. But none of these even remotely come close to good monkey noise.

Also I'll have to update a situation regarding the alleged potty usage incident. I went down for the usual bath time ritual to find there was indeed a yellow liquid in the baby potty. Despite her happiness for this apparent first toilet usage all fingers are still pointing to Renee as the culprit. I also was told by multiple people that photographing the urine in the toilet was weird. This desire is nowhere near the weirdest thing I am capable of.

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