This is the closest attempt at capturing the face, but still was unsuccessful.

Bad phone call. I think we have all been there.
The sad face or as they say in spanish - "Cucharita" which translates to little spoon.
This rare event only takes place when she is tired or hungry. Its very hard to capture it in its peak form which is my favorite. My favorite sad face is when just the lip curls down and she makes no sound at all. That one is so rare that I could not get it with a camera. It took me about 50 video takes to get these true sad faces.
If you want to fast forward to pure sad faces they can be seen at the following marks.
I'll leave you with some general outtakes and recent happenings.
A hilarious bald spot that has just appeared. Most locals here shave the babies head during this stage but honestly I kind of like it. The hairs as seen in their usual alfalfa formation.

I grabbed this photo actually trying to capture a sad face. Its not all heartache, misery, and pain here.

Great G, she is looking more and more like Steve...sad face, bold spot, and all....:-)))
ReplyDeleteKidding!However, there is a certain undeniable Moss resemblance!