Sunday, December 13, 2009

Morning Walks

With many false labors and fake Nuffers, we are still walking. In order to divert our talks from our usual topics which include:
When is the Nuffer coming?
I wonder if its a boy or girl?
What do you want to eat?

I have really taken some delight in our morning walks and even more in the characters at arrive at the track around 6:30 am.

Although I was not able to get one of my favorite characters who looks like a walrus and wears an army shirt with pink pants, I still consider these videos a successful documentation.

This contains the fake water spray that happens every day. It scares no one.

I keep forgetting my whip every day.

1 comment:

  1. New set of questions then -
    - why, exactly, do men have nipples?
    - what do ghosts do with the rest of their time?
    - who came up with the concept of clothes if monkeys just lost their fur? Do we miss fur?


