Monday, August 10, 2009

A Recipe for Pregnancy

Baby Hiccup, Custom sand holes for stomachs, Apple Cider Vinegar. - A recipe for Pregnancy.

Apple Cider Vinegar is the what I smell every night before bed, in the morning and at lunch. Its the only thing that keeps Renee's face from looking like she is a middle schooler with acne.

I have to be honest and say that I am very excited to be tapering off with the body image issues.

Although I understand this phenomena and why it occurs, I had reduced all my responses below.

Early on it was something like this...

Q:Do I look fat?

A:What? (pretending not to hear question)

Analysis- Not such a good tactic. Question usually repeated within 5 seconds coupled by a spin

to view other body parts in the mirror.

A little after that we progressed here:

Q:Do I look fat?


Analysis- This response must be performed in a sadistic/crazy manner in order to alarm and elude to possible danger nearby. Once distracted- make exit.

I have settled somewhere around here.

Q:Do I look fat?

A:Renee, you might be pregnant. I'm not sure, but maybe another blood test just to confirm.

Analysis- Up to this point has been my diamond in the rough. This provides you with a laugh and

a buffer of 30 seconds before body rotation in mirror and repetition of question. One can usually duck, roll, and army crawl out of that war zone.

Other happenings this week:
I also have begun to let the cat know that he will be neglected in T-minus 4months and possibly
skinned for baby clothing. I think that is something that a lot of people forget to prepare their
animals for.

Baby Kicks- The Nuffer has been pretty active this week with boots and flutters. As you can see
by the video. We’ve also been playing a bunch of guitar and reading to it at night. Not your typical baby books, but more like Adyashanti (Zen Buddist).

Highlight of the week-
Renee digging a hole in the sand for her stomach to fit in. As you can see, this is exciting.

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