Through these seemingly innocent rows of lit beauty, lurked Mordor wrapped in tinsel. The idea proposed by grandma was a nice walk through Fantasy and lights. However a few key details were left out. As we were making our way to the gardens piled 6 deep in a pick-up truck (South Ga style), I realized there was a wagon in the back of the truck.
Why is there a wagon back there? says I.
So we can pull Fischer around. -Grandma
Oh I thought we drove this.
No we walk it. Its amazing they only allow you to this one night a year. (7:30pm) -Grandma
After the first 4.5 miles we all were starting to tire a bit. The infant (toddler actually) was going strong. Seemingly drawing from the energy source emitted from each light. With each passing theme my praying to return to the sardine packed truck. Finally freedom reared its head just as I blitzed through the horrifying icicle lights. A man, buses, a line we made it. (10:30)
You can wait here but its going to take a while. You can walk the rest, its about 2 miles. - Satan
Total walk > 7 miles. Arrival time = Midnight. Total lights seen = unknown. Total of times this even will be repeated without wheels and an engine = 0.

0% chance this bird was grown naturally.

Typical Forced family photo that somehow made the blog.